Asmara - Africa’s Jewel of Modernity, Jovis Verlag, 2016
Japan – Fleeting Encounters, Jovis Verlag, 2016
Hoyerswerda – The Shrinking City, Jovis Verlag, 2012
Tel Aviv – The White City, Jovis Verlag, 2012
Southern Street Jovis Verlag, 2010
Flanders Fields, Verlag für Bildschöne Bücher, 2008
Asmara – The Frozen City, Jovis Verlag, 2006
Global Peace Photo Award - Peace Image of the Year, 2019
Rückblende – politische Fotografie in Deutschland, 1. Preis, 2015
Journalistenpreis Erneuerbare Energien, 1. Preis Kategorie Foto, 2014
World Press Photo, Third Prize Science and Technology 2002
Fuji Euro Press Photographer of the Year, Category Features, 2001
Umbrüche - Hoyerswerda, Hoyerswerda 2018
BORDERline, Flanders Fields, EMOP, Berlin 2018
Havelländische Künstlersymposium, Olympic Village, 2016
Flanders Fields, Aftermath: 100 years of creativity from conflict, Manchester, John Rylands Library, 2014
Tel Aviv – The White City, Tel Aviv, Bauhaus Center, Sept 2013
Hoyerswerda – The Shrinking City, Berlin, 2012
Southern Street, Lakeside Art Museum Nottingham, Nov 2011
The Re-Making of Manchester, RNCM, Manchester, Sep 2011
Flanders Fields, Galerie Degenhartt, Berlin, November 2008
Eritrea – Facets of a new Nation, Asmara/Eritrea, 2004
Collectors Prints
All Photographs can be purchased upon request in different sizes (for example):
* 40 x 50 cm
* 60 x 70 cm
* 70 x 85 cm
All prints are signed and numbered (edition of 15).
For more details:
© Hermann BredehorstStefan Boness is a photojournalist based in Berlin.
He has received several awards for his work, including a World Press Photo award, and his work is being published by newspapers and magazines worldwide.
Stefan’s work has also been shown in exhibitions in Berlin, London, Nottingham, Tel Aviv and Asmara among other cities.
In addition to contemporary photojournalism, Stefan’s artistic work concentrates on long-term documentary projects that consider the reality of place in the context of past events and bring a consciously historical dimension to contemporary perspectives. He has published several of his projects as books.
Flanders Fields is a photographic meditation on the battlefields of World War I in the region around Ypres in Belgium. In Asmara – Africa's Jewel of Modernity Stefan shows the legacies of Italian colonial avant-garde architecture in the capital of Eritrea. In Japan Fleeting Encounters he captures the fleeting spirit of Japanese spring and creates the melancholic portrait of a modern country with deeply engrained attachment to ancient rituals.Tel Aviv - The White City looks at how the modernist principles of the Bauhaus architectural school have underpinned the construction of Tel Aviv as an Israeli city. His current project The Re-Making of Manchester focuses on how the tremendous changes - from the industrial revolution, the subsequent collapse of industry and the current regeneration efforts - have left their marks on the city.Text by Jason Orton