
  • Flanders Fields

    Bildband Berlin - Book of the week

    Book of the week: Stefan Boness - Flanders Fields (signed)
    Verlag Bildschöne Bücher - 2008
    All along the westfront. Landscapes of a european war, that ends on november 11th 1918. The book is long time out of print, great to meet Stefan Boness and get some signed copies.

  • HighStreet

    on Panos Pictures

    HighStreet, my Brexit-story, now on Panos Pictures

    Photographed on an iPhone, Stefan Boness' series "High Street" is a visual exploration of the irreversible decline of a local cultural and commercial hub that is struggling in the face of an ever faster moving world.

  • 'Die Bewunderte'

    taz 10/102016

    'Die Bewunderte, Die Widersprüchliche, Die Kandidatin...'

    Sahra Wagenknecht, taz 10/10/2016

  • 'Finsternis'

    Stern 40/2016

    Real Darkness behind the sad story of Gerwald Claus-Brunner of the Piratenpartei. Photo taken a few years ago now published in the current Stern Magazine.

  • fotoMagazin 09/2016

    feature im aktuellen fotoMagazin von Anja Martin über meinen Berufsalltag als Fotojournalist

  • Razionalismo in Afrika

    FAZ 11/08/2016

    "Es sind herrliche Bilder." Freddy Langer, Buchbesprechung im Reiseteil der FAZ

    "Asmara heißt ein kleiner Bildband, in dem der Fotograf Stefan Boness die außergewöhnliche Architektur der Hauptstadt Eritreas vorstellt."

  • Pictorial 04/2016

    japan fleeting encounters

    Review of the photo book japan fleeting encounters in Pictorial Magazine 04/2016

  • Stern

    'Ihr Letzter Kampf' - photo of Angela Merkel in Stern Magazine 27/2016

  • LifeForce Magazine


    Asmara - Africa´s Jewel of Modernity is now featured in the August-issue of LifeForce Magazine

    The impressive photographs by Stefan Boness convey the unique atmosphere of Asmara as a living museum of modernity.

  • Spiegel 21/2016

    "Zu selten geweint" - photo of Alice Schwarzer published via UllsteinBild in Spiegel Magazine 31/2016


    Africa’s Jewel of Modernity

    The new book Asmara - Africa’s Jewel of Modernity is now published

    From the publisher Jovis: ‘Asmara, the capital of Eritrea, has one of the most extensive surviving ensembles of modernist architecture in the world. To this day, the influence of the former colonial power of Italy from the early 20th century remains visible. Many of the buildings, erected in the futuristic, expressionist, cubist or rationalistic style have been preserved… The impressive photographs by Stefan Boness convey the unique atmosphere of Asmara as a living museum of modernity.’

    A selection of photos can be seen on following slideshow.

  • Aston Martin Magazine

    Asmara - The Italian job

    A selction of the Asmara photos including an article based on an interview have been published as a portfolio story in the Aston Martin Magazine No 32.

  • Olympic Village

    Photoexhibition at Havelländische Künstlersymposium

    Olympic Village - Berlin's forgotten Lost Place

    I will be exhibiting my new work on the Olympic sites of the 1936 Berlin Olympics at a symposium entitled Flüchtig being held by the Havelländische Künstlersymposium

    on 12 June 2016 at Kunstmarktplatz Schönwalde

  • LifeForce Magazine


    'Japan-Fleeting Encounters'

    featured in the June-Issue of LifeForce Magazine

  • Grundeinkommen

    Wirtschaftwoche 22/2016

    Grundeinkommen statt Hartz IV

    Photo in Wirtschaftswoche: "Eigentlich aber ist es eine Selbstverständlichkeit"

  • FAZ Sonntagszeitung

    Review of Japan-Book

    A review of the book 'Japan-Fleeting Encounters' in the F.A.Z. from 29th May

    "Quadratisch und auf mattem Papier ist dies ein ungewöhnlicher Bildband, der ganz kontemplativ sein und zur Versenkung einladen will. Womöglich ist das dann doch nur ein Japan-Klischee. Bloß ist es so gut gelungen, dass man das Gefühl mitnimmt, sich wie zu Hause zu fühlen in den gezeigten Szenen. Der perfekte Reiseführer – ohne ein Wort."

  • Immun gegen Kritik

    taz & Spiegel

    Merkel meets Erdogan and taz (23.05.2016) & Spiegel Magazine (20/2016) comments "Devoter Umgang" and "Immun gegen Kritik". With photos taken at the FDP party congress in Berlin.

  • The Other Side to Eritrea

    Life Force Magazine

    Photo-Essay published in the May edition of

    Life Force Magazine

    The magazine of the art-form of the photo-essay

  • Photonews 05/2016

    Review of 'Japan - Fleeting Encounters'

    by Marc Peschke: 'Boness, das zeigt auch dieses Buch, ist kein Sekunden-Fotograf, sondern ein genauer Beobachter und Bildgestalter, der den Betrachter tief in ein Thema zu führen vermag.'

  • Japan - Fleeting Encounters

    My new book, published by Jovis, just arrived

    Japan – Fleeting Encounters captures the fleeting spirit of Japanese spring and creates a melancholic portrait of a modern country with deeply engrained attachment to ancient rituals.
